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Vadi Anatolian Shepherds

Breeding for quality guardians

New Zealands longest established breeder, we breed for temperament, health and type.  Our dogs and puppies have done well in the show ring and as livestock guardians as well as loyal family companions. 
All our dogs are health tested as are any of the males we have imported for our girls.
We are a small family kennel in rural Northland breeding only occasionally.
Feel free to check out our facebook page for more photos and news


About us

We have owned dogs all our lives and before being owned by the Anatolian we had German Shepherds. When moving to our lifestyle block we decided to look for a more suitable breed.  Having encountered the Anatolian years before and doing research and talking to a breeder we put our name down on her waiting list.  Early in 2002 we got our first Anatolian Chief and that was it we were taken.  Later we imported Bebe from Australia as the breed had all but died out here and with the help of Asalet in the UK we had the first litter born in NZ in over a decade.  From that first litter we kept Kubra and with the help of someone I had never met (thank you Christie) I attended my first show, in less than a year my girl had become NZ Champion. It was so nice to hear compliments about her and also talk to others about the breed.We farm beef cattle in the beautiful Victoria and Peria Valley in Northland and our dogs love to be with us or just happy sitting on a hill watching out.The Anatolian is a special dog and it is a privilege to own and know them.


Our dogs are first and foremost part of our family, we do not kennel or chain our dogs. They live mostly harmoniously together though with multiple bitches we do have a pair that dont get along. They have many acres to guard, play and just have fun being dogs.

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 Silverwerro Vadi Kiz (Imp Aust)


Bebe is our foundation bitch, she is our cuddle flop on you girl. An excellent mother and possum hunter extraordinaire.  Hip and elbows good and going strong at 9 years old

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Cesur Ruslik Des Shumagins of Asalet


Cesur is our foundation male, French bred from one of the longest known French Kennels, Des Shumagins.  Cesur lives in the UK at Asalet Kennels who so kindly helped me by letting me import semen from their magnificent boy. Hip score 4/5 and close to 80kg he has certainly brought size to our kennel as well as his wonderful temperament.

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NZ CH Vadi Asalet


Kubra!  Daughter of Bebe and Cesur and our keeper from their first litter she certainly is her daddys daughter.  72kg and 32 inches hip score 2/6 elbows 0

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Elkhier Kahzar


Our first Anatolian Chief.  Everything an Anatolian should be he was the start of our love affair for the breed. Growing up with our children he was such a good carer of tamed ducklings, rescued baby rabbits and whatever else was brought home


NZ CH Vadi's Dream Weaver


Daughter of Kubra and Prowler, Layla is a powerful and athletic girl who has done well in the show ring. She has a stunning coat and head excellent structure and like her grandmother loves attention. We dont dare leave a door open or she makes herself at home on your bed.  Hip, elbow and thyroid tested with good results.


NZ CH Vadi Artemisia


 From our second Prowler x Kubra litter she is our special girl being the only survivor of a premature litter. She is cheeky and a bit spoilt and our resident clown. Hip score 2/3 grade 1 and like two of Laylas brothers she has a plush/rough coat

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Vadi Barik


Hola is co-owned and lives as livestock and family guardian, her owners were impressed from day one with her gentle and correct temperament. She takes new born kids and kittens under her wing happily.  Hip scored at 4 years  2/10 elbows 0.


Triboices Emperor Titus (Imp Aust)


Our big boy Titus, excellent with stock a great guard dog but so gentle especially with his little people.  Hips 2/2 elbows 0.  We look forward to watching his puppies with Bebe grow.


Silent Grove Argus


A special boy who seems to keep growing and growing at 80kg and 34 inches at 3 years

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Tribocie Kahve Vadi (Imp Aust)


Our blonde beauty, imported from Australia ( thank you again Tribocie Kennels) Sasa's dam is imported from Turkey from well known kangal breeder Bilal Caglar.  Her sire who she gets her colouring from is the lovely Beyaz. Both parents have excellent hip and elbow scores.
Sasa has recently been hip and elbow scored with excellent results 2/2 hips 0/0 elbows at 2 years is a sturdy 69kg

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Vadi's worth the wait


Our keeper from our Layla x Kodiak litter.  A stunning looking pup she is typical to breed standard, wary of strangers and an excellent guard dog but gentle with our grandchildren and stock. We have recently had Ishka hip and elbow scored with excellent resuts 3/3 elbows 0

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Vadi's Ruff n Tuff


Also from our Layla x Kodiak litter.  Kaizer is tall and long and still filling out at 20 months he was a lean 68kg. He was returned to us and is settling in nicely with his wonderful temperament.  Recently hip and elbow scored 3/7 elbows 0/0.  We look forward to him maturing in the next few years.


Vadi Civelek


Guclu is litter brother to Layla,  son of Prowler and Kubra.

A big boned boy with his sires strong head, easy going nature and good looks.  We have semen strored for this boy and hope for puppies in the future from him and Sasa.

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Vadi's Steal your Thunder


Thor is from our Sasa x Kaizer litter.  He is a tall and powerful pup but with a heart of gold.  He has made is debut in the show ring and we hope to see more of him this year.

Our Imports

Some of our recent imports (frozen semen)


Skyview's King


We are excited to have King here for our girls. He is  OFA excellent, elbows and thyroid normal. Kings sire and dam have excelled in the show ring Ch and Grand Champions we can not wait to see his puppies.


AUST CH Shepherds Rest Beyaz


We are grateful to Tribocie for once again helping us with our breeding programme.  Beyaz (imp USA) is a stunning big boy from Shepherds Rest breeding,  Turkish imported Sire and grandparents on his dams side.  Penn hip with excellent results of .16 and .21.  We look forward to puppies from him next year.

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AKC & INTL CH Tamooras Night Prowler


Prowler is a tall handsome pinto boy with the most gorgeous head, from working and show lines. OFA hips Good, elbow and thyroid normal.  We have had two litters from Prowler including our keepers Layla, Tahi and Koda (co-owned) Tahi and Koda both have the rough coats.

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Shepherds Rest Cevik Ayu


We are excited to have Kodiak as stud and are looking forward to his puppies later in 2021.
Kodiak is from Turkish imported working parents, he gets his stunning good looks and dark sable coat from both his sire and dam. 
OFA Excellent, elbows and thyroid normal

Owning one of ours

Litter information


We have no puppies at present but are taking enquires on our 2025 litter, We sometimes also have older puppies looking for homes due to circumstances so please contact us also if you are able to take on an older pup/dog.


some photos of our dogs and puppies throughout the years at home and abroad.


I purchased my beautiful Anatolian girl 'Shadi' from Heidi at Vadi Anatolians in 2013. Shadi is without question one of the best Anatolians I have ever owned.

I have had 7 Anatolians to share my life with over the last 20 years, they are a wonderfully devoted breed.

Shadi is a beautiful example of her breed, both on the outside and inside, she is a total sweetie, affectionate with her family and a vigilant family guardian and a tolerant and playful companion.  

I am looking forward to getting another Anatolian from Heidi from her next litter.

Jessica Kuzemko

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